7 Best Electric Dab Rigs under $200

Dab rigs are the best way to enjoy concentrates, but if you’re just starting out it can be tough to know which one is right for you. Luckily, we’ve got your back! Today we’ll go over what makes an electric dab rig great and show you some of our favorite picks under $200 dollars. 

Ready? Let’s get started!

XVape Vista Mini 2

XVape Vista Mini 2

The XVape Vista Mini 2 is a sleek and compact vaporizer that heats up to 4 settings. The innovative design features multi-color LED systems with each color representing which temperature the device has reached, providing an easy way for users to know what setting they are using without having to check it themselves.

Alongside this, the Haptic Feedback adds an exciting dimension of interactivity as well, giving you tactile feedback when you hit your preferred setting {or highest”}!

The last feature we want to highlight is the glass mouthpiece which anchors into place magnetically, making it super easy to remove and clean.

Kandypens Oura Vaporizer

Kandypens Oura Vaporizer

With a lifetime warranty and only the highest quality materials used, The Kandypens Oura vaporizer is sure to please any user. It has four different temperature settings for vaping control, and an auto-shutoff of four minutes as well.

This portable device heats up to vaping temperature in under five seconds with the use of its powerful 3000mAh battery. Add some glass oil or wax inside the quartz crystal atomizer for a great vape without harshness on your throat. Its beautiful design lights up when you need it most with OLED technology that renders a soothing OURA effect.

The ultimate relaxation comes in this small but mighty vaporizer that can work as either a pipe or e-nail depending on your preference between intense dabs or smooth table-topping hits.

Pulsar RoK Electronic Dab Rig

Pulsar RoK

The Pulsar RoK Electronic Dab Rig has all that you need for a product to fulfill your dream of experiencing the perfect vape. With a six-inch height, this rig is still extremely portable.

The isolated airpath will keep your hits fresh without any unwanted flavors polluting it. The 3 different voltage settings will be perfect for what you are vaping or what type of session you have planned with friends so everyone can have their desired experience.

Other features include an all-metal body made from high-quality aluminum alloy and laminations, coilless quartz & ceramic piece filter cups, as well as a boro glass filtration base and carb cap included in this little gem! Purchase yours now while they last!

G Pen Roam Vaporizer

G Pen Roam Vaporizer

Vaporizing concentrates with the G Pen is easy and convenient. Simply load the full quartz tank or change out the glass hydro tube, activate in “max cleaning mode,” heat at 600-800 degrees Fahrenheit and enjoy its luxurious flavor without ashy paper mouth feel or other combustion byproducts.

The first thing that will impress you about the G Flair Roam vaporizer is its gorgeous finish; a durable aluminum shell contained an electronic liquid crystal display (LED) screen, push-button controls, and indicator lights to let you know when it’s heated up and ready for use.

You can experience incredible highs on your own time with help from this portable device—limiting factors including pot purity level, preferred temperature setting(s), personal preference for extraction style, and battery life.

The compact dimensions of the G Pen Roam mean it’ll easily fit inside your pocket, handbag, or backpack without getting in the way while you enjoy a relaxing day on the town.

K. Haring Rig


The K. Haring Rig has the iconic Keith Haring artwork and classically designed features that will have you feeling on top of your game.

It’s a tough rig made with quality borosilicate glass so it won’t break like those pieces of plastic nonsense people used to use- shove over!

Its 90° Downstem ensures clean pulls and less nasty build-up in your dome, while the flared bucket-high design makes it perfect for standing or sitting without any problems.

The Turbine Percolator provides all sorts of smooth hits through its extra-large chamber, it does what is supposed to do but let us not forget about this little guy:

The Quality Borosilicate Glass construction gives users more than just cleaner air, you’ll be inhaling the purest flavors from your ground material.

The Turbine Percolator gives you that explosive hit with no harshness in your throat, and it’s easy to clean for long-lasting use!

Made by one of the best dab rigs brands out there, this high-end rig is available for a limited time at a great price, don’t miss out!

RiO MakeOver – Stache


Take your RiO experience to the next level with a MakeOver! The new “All-Inclusive Kit” by RiO is integrated and easy to use, with high-quality components that are 1 part extravagant showstopper, 1 part everyday necessity.

With 4 different parts in this kit, we’ve thought of everything: from the bubbler which helps break up resin crystals as you take a pull of refreshing permanent vapor all the way down through to the beautiful carb cap where droplets cascade back down into your precious pipe.

Our lux glass bubbler feature’s an integrated bubble column so any size herb goes down smoothly without pushing or banking on make it rest at the bottom; our wonderful quartz banger can be easily cleaned with a cotton swab after each session; the bowl is made from quality glass to keep your resin as clean as possible, and our carb cap fits perfectly on the pipe or bubbler while you’re not using them.

Pulsar Hand E-Nail Vaporizer

The new Pulsar hand e-nail vaporizer is perfect for on-the-go vaping, featuring a deep temperature range of 650 to 980 degrees Fahrenheit and 1-touch heating.

The titanium heating places only take about 30 seconds before reaching the desired temperature, and last for up to 10 minutes! Available in two colors with a sleek design – choose from black gold or neon green.

By using the product you will have CE4 clearomizers produce fresh air vapors that are thick enough without adding anything extra into your lungs – even while traveling!


If you’re looking for a way to try the newest trend in recreational smoking, dabbing might be the answer. Whether you just want an easy-to-use oil rig or something more complex and flavorful like a high-end eRig, there are plenty of options available on our list that won’t break your bank account. What’s your favorite from this list? Let us know in the comments below!

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