Smok Novo 2 Review [Updated]

The Novo 2 is the best option in contrast to the famous Novo of 2018. It’s practically indistinguishable in size yet packs almost twofold the battery limit at 800mAh versus the 450mAh of the first Novo. It accompanies a 1.0ohm case for customary ejuices just as a 1.4ohm unit for nicotine salts, the two of which will hold 2ml of ejuice.

It looks like Smok listened to the community when making the Novo 2 so we are excited to see how it performs. Is this something that all of us have been waiting for?

Here is our review on Smok Novo 2 and how its features are just the best option for you!

Get to know all about the design features

The Novo 2 is essentially of a similar size as the first Novo. It’s a tiny gadget! One can totally hide it in a palm which makes it a discreet vape. The size and the adjusted body is also comfortable to hold. As a little something extra, it’s light as well; it weighs just 43 grams!

You can get the Novo 2 out of 18 distinct plans and some of them are truly cool. There are 8 tar-like plans like the dark and white tar that we have used, 6 opalescent/radiant plans, and 4 different plans. One of the top picks is the “Try to avoid panicking and VAPE ON” skin.

It merits referencing that the tar plans aren’t genuine gum. They’re in reality plastic boards that resemble gum. Despite this, it does look great!

SMOK is imprinted on the front board and Novo 2 is imprinted on the backboard. There could be no other marking or composing, however. The Novo 2 has a straightforward and clean plan that simply looks great.

The lower part of the Novo 2 is adjusted thus it won’t stand up all alone. This gives you no other choice except to lay the gadget level on its side. While not an exhibition issue, one can actually consider this a plan defect.

This is a draw enacted vape so you simply need to breathe in on the mouthpiece to vape. There’s no actual fire catch or fastens of any kind. It’s simple to use the gadget. The draw initiation works incredibly as well and requires little exertion to vape.

You can now vape easily!

The Novo 2 cases have a bend to them that accommodates your lips while you draw. The mouthpiece is made of smooth, dark plastic. The actual case is totally clear however so it’s extremely simple to see your e-liquid level.

At the point when associated with the gadget, there’s a flimsy straightforward bit of the case that is obvious. This plan is like the Aspire Breeze NXT and permits you to see your e-liquid level without eliminating the unit; simply turn the gadget sideways.

The Novo 2 accompanies two cases: a 1.4ohm double curl unit and a 1.0ohm cross-section loop case. The curls are underlying and non-removable. The 1.4ohm unit conveys a confined MTL draw while the 1.0ohm case is, even more, a free MTL.

Smok suggests the 1.4ohm unit for nicotine salts and the 1.0ohm case for standard nicotine ejuices however I discovered them to both be useful by the same token. The 1.0ohm lattice case will convey a marginally more grounded throat hit however it’s still totally fine for use with nic salts.

The Novo 2 has a Smok called a “U-Shaped” wind current. There’s a wind current opening on each side of the case that attracts air through the sides of the gadget, through the opening in the lower part of the case, and through the curl/coil to the mouthpiece.

You get an alternate draw from every one of the included cases yet it’s a little contrast. The 1.4ohm unit is a tight mouth-to-lung draw. The 1.0ohm unit is a looser MTL draw. In the event that you like a more tight draw you’ll presumably favor the 1.4ohm unit. However, if you like a draw that is somewhat more breezy you’ll like how the 1.0ohm case hits.

It is extremely unlikely to change the wind stream on Novo 2 so you’ll need to live with what the cases give. However, as seen, they’re extraordinary for MTL vapers and aren’t confined to such an extent that you need to battle, yet additionally aren’t excessively free and breezy. Each case has a decent draw obstruction.

How effectively does it work?

Vaping with the Novo 2 has been magnificent. We are especially intrigued by the 1.0ohm case. The cross section produces a precise and full flavour that is astounding to get from a case vape. The draw is somewhat looser than you have to incline toward however the nature of fume compensates for it for sure.

The 1.4ohm unit is the less delightful of the two, yet just somewhat. It compensates for this with its tight draw however so it’s difficult to pick a most loved unit. We like the draw better from this unit yet the flavor is better with the cross section case.

The battery life

The most amazing piece of the Novo 2 may very well be its battery. As referenced before, it’s of similar size as the first Novo however in one way or another has a battery almost twice as enormous. That is a great accomplishment of assembling.

The 800mAh battery keeps going over two days of predictable and hefty vaping. That is truly useful for a particular little vape. Battery life is unquestionably a solid point with this one.

There’s a LED light on the facade of the gadget that is scarcely recognizable. It’s simply a little spot. At the point when you vape on the Novo 2, it illuminates to flag your battery charge level.

Summing Up

The Novo 2 is Smok’s best case vape yet. It’s likewise extraordinary compared to other case vapes of the year, surely. The units are heavenly and convey great flavor while wicking whatever kind of ejuice you toss at them easily. Battery life is another large genius. With regards to unit vapes it’s positively up there with the greats. In case you’re searching for your next unit vape to buy or even only for your first gadget, the Novo 2 is a decision you will love.

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